Parents of Young Children
"J**** has been doing SO WELL! After camp when school started he was a little apprehensive but he was remote learning for a few months prior to stepping foot in the school for hybrid. Once hybrid started he already had an established relationship with his teacher so it was easy for us to pass the baton and he’s been doing fantastic ever since! He was even named Student of the Month! We just had his 504 meeting last week and everyone agreed he was doing well so we closed his 504! This time last year we were only beginning to speak at school. What a difference a year makes! Thank you all so much for all the help you’ve given J**** and our family. We are forever grateful for the tools you’ve provided and for helping J**** succeed!"
- Mother of a Kindergartener
“A couple of weeks ago, in Kindergarten, he was supposed to bring something for show and tell, and when I said ‘do you know what you’re going to say about it, are you nervous?’ he said ‘Mom, I did this in camp, it’s no big deal.”
- Mother of Kindergartener
“I actually got an email from his teacher last week that he was talking too much to his friends at school, and if I could address that with him, and I was laughing for about an hour before I could even respond because I never, EVER would have thought that I would be getting an email from the teacher saying he was talking too much and disrupting the class, and yet, he was!”
- Mother of Kindergartener
“It’s just one of the tools that’s going to help your child. It’s not a cure-all. I think I myself went in thinking that this week was gonna fix him, cure him, and he’d be completely fine after camp, so I think that’s important to realize, that it’s one step in the process. I think we have a long road ahead of us, but my husband and I both feel more confident that we know what to do, we know where to seek the right help, that we’re doing everything we can for him.”
- Mother of Pre-K student
“The experience was really good, it was really nice meeting other parents who are going through the same struggles that our kids are going through.”
- Mother of Pre-K student
"The monster in our closet was kindergarten. What are we going to do when Kindergarten rolls around? He’s not going to be able to sit in a chair next to another child, he’s not going to be able to tell the teacher he needs to use the restroom, he’s not going to be able to tell someone he’s not feeling well, and I think for all those reasons, when we first heard of the idea of Adventure Camp, and sort of serendipity with when it would be in regards to when he would start Kindergarten, it seemed like this really, really great idea that could potentially really affect a positive change in his life.”
- Father of Kindergartener
“Mornings he was nervous about going, but once we got there and he got into his routine, he was very excited. He had a sticker sheet where he could earn stickers every day for using his brave talk. Every day, he would come out bravely showing his massive amount of stickers!”
- Mother of Kindergartener
“Dr. Lynas had arranged for a series of lead-in sessions as part of the camp, and my understanding is the purpose is to gauge is readiness for the camp, but also to acclimate him to his counselor, and even acclimate him to some of the other children that he may be seeing in the camp, and I think those were really, really helpful.”
- Father of Kindergartner
“The greatest benefit of the program is that it’s such intensive treatment … the kids were there about 30 hours for the week, so if you think about that, you go for a weekly session with a psychologist, it would take 30 weeks to get to the same place.”
- Mother of Pre-K student
“They had a great thing at the camp, where they had a Parents Discussion group during the lunch hours, and those were enormously fruitful for me.”
- Father of Kindergartener
“As it turns out, he had such a good time there, and he enjoyed it so much, that that excitement and anticipation transitioned right from camp to kindergarten.”
- Father of Kindergartener
“He does wonderfully now when it comes to speaking to adults. He does wonderfully when it comes to participating in activities where children are nearby, physically; he can verbalize in those situations, which he could never do before.”
- Father of Kindergartener
“He wants to go to school, he wants to see his friends, he’s learning, and he’s excited, and he’s telling me about the great things about school, not just the scary things.”
- Mother of Kindergartener
“He’s happier, he’s coming home from school, and he’s smiling, and mornings aren’t tear-inducing for both of us, because he doesn’t want to go and screaming ‘I don’t want to go!’; he’s not doing that.”
- Mother of Kindergartener
“In a matter of months … the progress he made … was just mystifying.”
- Father of Kindergartener
Parents of Older Children/Teens
"What a true blessing it has been for our [granddaughter] to attend camps and receive therapy at ATS. She is making progress and is so happy. This week she whispered her spelling words to a friend in her class and ordered a drink at Starbucks. Thank you for being an important part of our lives. We deeply appreciate (more than you will ever know) the ATS family, and the help you give to our beautiful granddaughter."
- Nana of a 7-yr-old
"R*** has transitioned nicely into 3rd grade. We still have him taking medication, and are daily seeking ways to help him feel confident and loved. He is now a huge Cubs fan and eager to play baseball. He also just willingly agreed to join the after-school choir! We know that the social/emotional challenges he faces will need continued support, and we are hopeful that this new school team will be very involved (and receptive to us). He sees a great therapist every Monday, and we are now learning all about ADHD and figuring out how to better support him in that. It's been a challenge, but we know how brave he is and will do whatever we need to do for him to soar in life. all the best to you, to your mission, and to all the great staff at ATS."
-Parents of a third grader
“The camp actually gave him a lot of tools and just the experience, the hands on experience of going out on field trips, talking to people that he needed something from, or that asked him a question, he was actually able to reply without, you know, covering his mouth, or looking down and away.”
- Mother of 13-yr-old
“And [Adventure Camp] just stretched his whole [world], I think his world is going to be astronomically changed through this.”
- Mother of 13-yr-old
“He’s getting a lot of feedback from teachers about him raising his hand, about him being articulate and answering questions, he can perform his oral presentations in front of the class.”
- Mother of 13-yr-old
"Thank you for all of your work in helping K**** into the young adult she is becoming. She continues to grow and develop in finding her place. We are extremely proud of her and know she will be successful in college."
- Father of college-bound 18-yr-old
"I have been coming here for over a year and I have always been extremely satisfied with the staff. The care and concern for my personal matters has exceeded my expectation. I could not ask for more."
- Anonymous
"The therapists are great! They are well qualified and really listen to the patient."
"I enjoyed how efficient the sessions were with the psychologists. While they took time to listen to our concerns, they also made sure to progress through the sessions to get the most for our time and money. I also liked that they didn't just agree with everything we said as parents, but gave helpful advice and guidance."
We are thankful for the feedback from our patients, especially because we enjoy hearing about their continued success! We hope these comments help bring you hope as well for your treatment journey.
To leave us feedback, please click the link here, or email admin@advancedtherapeuticsolutions.org. For more reviews of ATSA, please see our profile page on Kareo.com.
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