Selective Mutism Conference
ATSA is proud to cosponsor the Selective Mutism Association Annual Conference in Chicago on October 5 and 6, 2024!
Learn the latest on Selective Mutism research and practice. Attend the Professional Track, Caregiver-Friendly Track, or a mix of both! Click below for the full in-person agenda.
Register for the SMA Conference
Keynote Address: "Expanding the Reach and Scope of Care for Children with Selective Mutism: Leveraging Novel Treatment Formats and Innovative Technologies" by Dr. Jonathan Comer
Can't attend in person? Register for the recorded bundles below! Click to register, and on the SMA page, click "Register for event". On the pop-up, scroll down to see "Limited Conference Recordings Only" and make your selections. Note that the Recorded Bundle for 17+ is FREE!
Virtual Options - click below for the agendas:
- Recording Bundle for Caregivers/Professionals
- Recorded Bundle for Individuals with SM - FREE - (ages 17 and Older)
Register for the SMA Conference
ATSA Team presents at the SMA Conference
- In-Person: Working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children with Selective Mutism
- Dr. Carmen Lynas joins 5 other professionals from multiple sites on this panel on Saturday, Oct 5, 10am-11am.
- In-Person & Virtual: Tips on How to Maximize Insurance Coverage for Exposure Therapy in Selective Mutism/Social Anxiety Treatment
- Dr. Carmen Lynas presents on Sunday, Oct 6, 9:40am-10:40am.
- Also available as part of the Recorded Bundle series for Caregivers/Professionals.
- In Person: Mix n' Mingle
- Meet Cate O'Leary, LCPC, Meghan Riordan, LPC, and Carmen Tumialan Lynas, Ph.D. at the Mix n' Mingle networking hour! Saturday, Oct 5, 5pm-6:30pm.
- Virtual: Are You Being the True Version of Yourself? 5 Key Questions to Explore on Your Path to Adulthood
- Meghan Riordan, LPC, Carmen Lynas, Ph.D., Cate O'Leary, LCPC present their talk for the FREE Recorded Bundle for ages 17+.
- Virtual: What to Know about Medication as Part of Your Selective Mutism/Social Anxiety Treatment Plan
- A collaboration between Dr. Kristin Rosseau of UChicago and Dr. Carmen Lynas of ATSA, this presentation provides an overview for ages 17+ and their parents. This is part of the FREE Recorded Bundle series for ages 17+.