Adventure Camp Counselors
Adventure Camp has two aims. The first is to address the dearth of treatment for selective mutism by providing gold standard treatment based on evidence-based exposure therapy. The second aim of the camp is to build awareness and knowledge of selective mutism to professionals of various disciplines who provide regular care of children, and who can have a great impact in the school setting.
In that vein, every year, ATSA recruits a talented multidisciplinary team of school psychologists, clinical psychologists, school social workers, speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, educators, special education providers, and others working in pediatrics to serve as camp counselors. The team ranges from trainees en route to one of the aforementioned degrees, to licensed professionals with years of experience working with children and families. Only candidates with impressive credentials, outstanding recommendation letters, and a sincere dedication to help children are selected.
On this page, you will find the counselors selected to participate in Adventure Camp dating back to its first year, 2011. Keep in mind that their bios are "frozen in time" - they are not updated, but instead reflect where they were at the time that they participated in Adventure Camp. Each counselor participated in an intensive SM training held at ATSA and led by Dr. Carmen Tumialan Lynas. All counselors participate in supervised lead-in sessions to ensure intervention fidelity. As you read through the bios, you will notice that many counselors request to return for another summer, or two, or six! These are truly passionate people wanting to make a difference in the lives of children. Some were early in their training when they participated in Adventure Camp, and now are practicing professionals, fulfilling our aim to spread awareness about selective mutism.
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Become an Adventure Camp Counselor!
Applications are accepted from educators, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and other pediatric providers. Learn skills from the training to take back to your place of work to help a child with selective mutism, help others learn, and continue to spread awareness. ISBE and IDFPR credits available.
How to ApplySelective mutism is an inability to speak in specific settings; children with selective mutism are mute in places such as school, extracurricular activities, even at friends' houses or with extended family. Learn more about how you can help a student with selective mutism.