Social Exposure Groups
Level 5 Group
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What are Social Exposure Groups?
Social Exposure Groups are modeled after Adventure Camp field trips. This group involves imaginal exposure, role-play, preparation, and in-vivo exposure. The purpose of this group is to help transfer treatment gains into the community setting. These groups are for children who have reached goals in the clinic, school, and/or community setting individually, and who have progressed enough to take their new skills into a more public arena. For children who suffer from social anxiety/phobia with or without selective mutism, community exposures can serve as a catalyst for generalization into new settings.
What to Expect
Social Exposures Group is designed to be a flexible option where parents can pick and choose in which groups they would like their child to participate. Groups typically run for 90 minutes* The dates offered and a brief description of the activities are listed per registration link. Clicking on each link will take you to the event registration page, where you can register your child. Note that a registration form needs to be completed for each group event you are interested in. If you have any problems registering, contact the intake coordinator at 630-230-6505 or
*Some events may differ in duration.
The prerequisites for Level 5 groups are as follows:
- Must have completed sessions at ATSA within the last three months, including at least one peer session (1:1 Child to Therapist ratio) or group session (1:3 Child to Therapist ratio).
- Demonstrates the ability to separate from parent(s) at drop-off during individual therapy session or group therapy session.
- Demonstrates the ability to respond directly to Group Therapist in the presence of peers and community members.
- Demonstrates the ability to interact verbally with limited assistance by the Group Facilitator in a community setting.
Readiness for this group can also be demonstrated by the following:
In the past 6 months, has:
- Previous experience in a lower level group therapy (e.g., Come Play, Courage Club, Social Thinking Group, Group Therapy for Teens and Tweens, etc.) is an indicator of readiness for this advanced group
- Has participated in Adventure Camp or Winter Adventure (1:1 Camper to Counselor ratio within a group setting)
- Has participated in previous Social Exposures (1:5 ratio) at ATSA
- Participated in 1:1 Community Exposure sessions with more than one ATSA Therapist.
Social Exposures Group is not a long-term commitment; you can select the events you would like your child to attend. The group is innovative and useful for children with situation-specific symptoms that are the hallmark of selective mutism and/or social anxiety. With this group, ATSA Therapists can take your child to the next level of exposure by being in the community with your child and treating symptoms in-vivo in a group setting.
The group fee is billed per hour. Click on the registration link to see fees. By participating in this group, you avoid paying a travel fee, and instead of paying for a 1:1 community therapy session, you pay the group rate instead, making this a more cost-effective option.
Insurance CPT code is 90853. Statements will be provided to those who wish to submit to their insurance for reimbursement.
GROUP SESSIONS 2024-2025 Dates
Click the links below to register!
2/01/2025 3:30-5:00pm Brave Bingo!
2/08/2025 3:30-5:00pm Valentines Shopping & Ordering Exposure
2/13/2025 4:00-5:30pm Courageous Crafting
3/01/2025 3:30-5:00pm Brave Bingo!
3/15/2025 3:30-5:00pm St. Patty's Day Scavenger Hunt & Ordering Exposure
3/20/2025 4:00-5:30pm Courageous Crafting
4/05/2025 3:30-5:00pm Brave Bingo!
4/10/2025 4:00-5:30pm Courageous Crafting
4/19/2025 3:30-5:00pm Scavenger Egg Hunt
5/03/2025 and 5/10/2025 Mother's Day Shopping & Ordering Exposure 3:30-5:00pm
5/17/2025 3:30-5:00pm Brave Bingo!
5/24/2025 Father's Day Shopping & Ordering Exposure
5/31/2025 10-11:30am Wilder Park & Courageous Bakery
6/07/2025 3:30-5:00pm Father's Day Shopping & Ordering Exposure
6/12/2025 10-11:30am Wilder Park & Courageous Bakery
6/21/2025 3:30-5:00 pm Wilder Park & Ice Cream Exposure
Coming Soon! Holiday Gift Shopping & Ordering Exposure, dates TBD
More SEGs will be added soon! Bookmark this page and check back often!
Past SEGs:
Lincoln Marsh SEG
Petland Pet Hunt SEG
Kimmer's Ice Cream SEG
Cosley Zoo SEG
Police Department SEG
Nature Museum SEG
Coming to a location near you, too!
Sign up for Social Exposure Group notifications
If you are not sure if your child meets the prerequisites for this group, talk it over with your child's therapist. If it has been over three months since your child has been in treatment at ATSA, then a refresher session may be necessary to reacquaint your child.
If it has been over six months since your child has been in treatment at ATSA, your child will need to complete a re-evaluation. If your child has never received treatment at ATSA, and you think this group is ideal for your child's needs, please contact ATSA at 630-230-6505 to set up an intake evaluation or click here to request an appointment.
If you think an introductory group is more appropriate, then consider Come Play, Courage Club, Social Thinking Group, or Lunch Bunch.